Maddy Rogers Mentoring Group Self Portraits Challenge

Fun With Self Portraits in lockdown Here in the UK those of us who work closely with our clients were especially hard hit by Covid and the lockdowns, and we didn’t have a work around. Newborn photography specialists can’t distance from their tiny clients so it means closing down completely. So we spent months perhaps […]
Siblings and Newborns – Specialist Child and Baby Photographer

Including siblings – hard work but worth it! If the newborn session you’ve booked isn’t your first, you may be considering whether to bring your older littlies along and get some sibling shots in Grimsby. In an ideal world your older one will sit beautifully and hold your new baby and smile for the camera, […]
Prints and Digitals Files – Do you know the Difference?

DIGITAL and PRINTS We all know what a print is, don’t we? We all have the old family albums full of them, of long gone relatives and childhood family holidays. Back then your dad bought a roll of film, popped it into his 35mm camera, and then took it in to get developed and printed. […]
George and Jake – Twins Newborn Photography Grimsby

Theres always something amazing about creating two perfect new babies at the same time. Twins captivate most people, and I am no exception, only I get to welcome them into the studio sometimes and create images for the family of this special time. They are not little for long, and with twins especially the early […]
1:1 Newborn Training – Your Studio or Mine? One day or two?

When looking at newborn training, what are your options and which is best for you?
Hannah’s Newborn Training – Newborn 1:1 Training Lincolnshire

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-31y006′] January started well when l welcomed the lovely Hannah in to the studio for her 1:1 training. The first day went well, with the cutest little model who slept so well for me Hannah wondered what witchcraft I was using. Its always good when a model […]
Parent Posing Training – Rebecca Melbourne

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Parent Posing Training for Rebecca Melbourne Newborn photographers often concentrate on the baby client more than the family. Also, confidence in posing older children or parents with the new baby can seem like a step too far with confidence. Rebecca has already had her newborn posing training […]
Maddy Rogers Photography: How To Use Digital Props

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] They look so easy to use because someone else has designed, created, built and photographed a wonderfully creative and probably expensive flower arrangement. All you have to do is pop a baby in it and hey presto you have a convincing composite, right? Well yeah, with practice, […]