Baby Shower Gifts and Other Ideas! – Newborn Baby Photos Grimsby

What Is A Baby Shower?

Over the last few years, Baby Showers, made popular in America, have become more usual in this country too. Often friends and work colleagues join forces to throw these parties for the expectant mother and as the name suggests, shower them and the new arrival with gifts. During our newborn sessions in Grimsby, new parents often regale us with stories of their baby showers and gifts received.

People have become more and more inventive over the years too, introducing a variety of games and activities, such as blindfold baby food tasting, stick the nappy on the baby, and a whole host of other games, ensuing in much hilarity for the participants.

With so many baby products out there nowadays, people are spoilt for choice when it comes to buying gifts, either for the Baby Shower or for when little one makes it’s appearance (or both for those super generous friends and family members!)

Gift Ideas


A popular choice is clothes. After all, who can resist those teeny tiny, super cute outfits. Something to consider though is that babies come in all different sizes! Some babies might be too big for the first sizes when they are born, whilst others might be so small they need premature baby clothes for the first few weeks. Some try and get round this by buying 0-3 months or 3-6 months for baby to grow into, however, if you do this , consider the changing seasons. If you buy baby a gorgeous padded winter onesie, or long sleeved outfit but they don’t grow into it until mid summer, then it’s sadly a waste. Or summery outfits that they are too small for until it’s cold again. You may also want to consider that lots of other people will buy clothes, including mum and dad. And they might not share your taste.

Practical Items

Although not the most exciting of gifts, parents are always pleased to have practical items gifted, whether it be a nappy bundle, wipes, nappy cream etc, some places do gorgeous hampers, full of necessities but made to look beautiful. If baby is already here , an offer to do housework, take any siblings to the park for an hour, meals for the freezer or even a JustEat voucher so Mum and Dad can treat themselves to a takeaway whilst housebound.


We think keepsakes are a fab idea. Whether it be a fancy box to keep babies lost teeth in , or first lock of hair , a memory box , a stylish photo album, a set of ‘My Firsts” cards (cards you can photograph with baby, printed with things like “First smile” “First time rolling over” “First time sleeping through the night” etc) there are many lovely ideas out there.

Treat for Mum

It might seem like it’s all about baby , but how about celebrating Mum too? Maybe a little hospital pamper kit, of essentials and a few treats? Or chocolates, flowers, a pregnancy massage?. Things that can help that last month of pregnancy go a bit faster! And for when baby is here , how about some beautifully scented bubble bath, or a new book, or magazines?

Treat for Dad!

Let’s not forget about Dad too! Although we can all agree Mum is doing most of the hard work, we sometimes forget that pregnancy can be tough for Dad too, dealing with Mums hormones, worrying about her and the birth. So how about gifts that include Dad too? A voucher for a meal for the parents to be perhaps, to enjoy before baby arrives, or an IOU (I owe you) for a night of babysitting later down the line for the tired new parents.

Newborn Photography Session Gift Vouchers

These are a fabulous baby shower idea, and can be bought from us in multiples of £50.00. Great for friends to club together to buy new parents who are wanting or newborn session, or even for people you know have already booked so they can put them towards their images. This is truly a present that will last long after baby has grown out of their tiny outfits and provide lasting memories that the parents can treasure forever. You can purchase our vouchers here:…/…/gift-voucher/

Whatever you choose to gift, we are sure it will be gratefully received. Someone else who knows all about providing amazing gifts for baby showers is a lady excellent at newborn baby photography in Llanelli. Andrea Bradley did twins yesterday, so take a look…they are beautiful!

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