You may already know that l love training others in the art of newborn photography, but what makes it even more humbling is when l’m asked to do so by people who then travel a very very long way to be trained by me.
Having already trained people from all over the UK, Ireland, Norway, and India, last week l trained a really lovely couple who came all the way form Hong Kong. Not going to lie, thats pretty awesome! l asked why they chose me and they explained that they loved that l am so passionate about baby safety, and of course, they love my work.
Liza and Vincent have a photography business at home and have done newborn sessions too, but felt they needed help with taking posing to the next level. Liza is the hands on poser, while Vincent takes the photos. They make a good team and already have experience and a good set of skills between them.
Liza admitted to lacking confidence with new babies, so often didn’t manage to get the images she knew she wanted. In Hong Kong its customary to have a midwife with mum for two weeks after birth, so Liza would ask the midwife to put the baby in props for her, although no posing was done really. So l knew we really had to work on her confidence so that when she went home she would feel able to pose the babies herself and really grow as a newborn photographer.
*Cole nailed ‘The Frog’ pose beautifully above.
On day one, as with all my 2 day training courses, l ran a session as l would normally do, with beautiful baby Cole. At just 8 days he was a super chilled sleepy boy, and l was able to show everything necessary, and more.
l showed how to use containers safely, how to wrap, soothe, and how to transition between containers and set ups. l also talked about how to style the sessions, prepare them, plan them, and showed Vincent how to find the best angles and light.
Cole in the ‘Potato Sack’ pose above.
As l went along Liza and Vincent took notes and photos and some video of what l was doing to refer to later. There is a lot to take in, and l wanted to make sure they got the most from the day so they were as prepared as possible at home.
Me doing my thing above
On day two Liza was pretty nervous to be the one doing the work with the baby. Our model was Leticia. Beautiful little girl who was just as chilled as Cole, and made the cutest little noises the entire time.
* Vincent taking his turn to work after Liza beautifully wrapped Leticia, and posed her too.
l didn’t rush Liza, but rather sat next to her as she held Leticia on her lap, with my StandInBaby on mine, and talked her through handling, reading baby, lots of safety information, and wrapping. In no time she relaxed and was actually a complete natural. Her nerves quickly went, and she started to really enjoy herself.
*Liza posing Leticia all by herself above
Leticia did a huge poop, which caused loads of hilarity, settled beautifully again, and then we managed a super session. Below is a little video of Liza with Leticia. After the poop.
Liza did some beautiful work, and her styling was gorgeous. She left feeling so full of confidence, and said it was nowhere near as scary as she thought it would be to do the second day of posing herself. Vincent also said he learned a lot about angles to flatter tiny features, and l have no doubt that back in Hong King they’ll create some gorgeous images for their new clients. l can’t wait to see how they get on.
As Liza isn’t quite there with complicated container posing, l helped her to pose for these images too.
lf you d like more information on my training, please visit the FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS page.
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