I’m Not Crying… There’s Something in My Eye – Newborn Sessions, a Dad’s Perspective.

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When it comes to newborn sessions, it’s usually the Mum that books, usually Mum who tells us what colours they would like, usually Mum who comments and shares the Facebook pictures and Dad is often just along for the ride – or because Mum told him he was coming. Once they get there and see how Maddy works her magic, it’s often a whole other story and they become quite taken with the whole process. We asked one of our Dad clients to tell us about his experience – he agreed, as long as we didn’t reveal his name – it’s important to protect the manly image, right? Here’s what he had to say:


“Hey everyone, so firstly, I only agreed to this on the proviso I stay incognito, so for the purpose of this blog, I am Batman! I mean, maybe I actually am, I know I’ve never seen me and Batman in the same room together, but either way we’re both strong, manly men who definitely don’t cry. Right?

Picture this, the wife and I are having a baby – and that’s cool, in fact it’s totally awesome. We’re having a baby. Suddenly I find out just how much is involved in having one,, and it’s a hell of a lot more than creating one, I can tell you…..

Pretty soon it felt like every conversation was baby related. And I must admit, at times it did feel like I was smiling and nodding with one eye on the football because 1. It didn’t really seem real and 2. It still felt SO far away that I wasn’t taking all the preparation all that seriously. Until it suddenly occurred to me that we were ACTUALLY HAVING A BABY ! And the pram, nursery, brand of nappies, tiny outfits etc that had just been word shaped noises for the last few months were proper, real things that we had to arrange and buy.

Then I was sent a link to Maddy’s website to look at newborn sessions. Now, most blokes aren’t all that impressed with other people’s babies. They don’t do much. Other than sleep,eat, poo and cry. Blokes don’t coo over pictures of babies. I gave the website a cursory glance and went back to eating my lunch. Five minutes later, the wife messaged me asking what I thought,

“Erm, yeah , lovely. Babies. Yeah.”

“Shall we have a session then?” So of course, given how much we’ve splashed out on baby gear already I asked her how much. And then nearly fainted at the price.

“But that’s for the session, the props, the editing AND all the images. That’s a good price. And Maddy’s got 10 years experience AND trains other photographers. She’s the best.”

Personally, I couldn’t see why we couldn’t just take some pictures on our phones, for free. But the wife had been a bit emotional of late and fearing upsetting her, I reluctantly agreed. And of course, immediately forgot about it until our little one arrived.

I can now tell you, babies are completely different when they belong to you – it’s an incredible feeling. It’s safe to say I was besotted.


The day of our session arrived, I’ll be honest, I was still rather nonplussed about the whole thing, but as soon as we arrived in Maddy’s comfortable, purpose built studio and we were welcomed with such friendliness, I started to really enjoy the experience.

Watching her settle our new arrival, with the utmost care, gently positioning her in the gorgeous props and capturing all the tiny newborn features was quite incredible. I definitely didn’t nod off for part of it and definitely , absolutely definitely, did NOT cry. No, not me. Not Batman. There was obviously something in my eye.

I was amazed at the work that Maddy puts into making sure every tiny detail is perfect, each and every set up, executed with care and precision. From being quite sceptical over the cost and whether it was a necessary expense I was suddenly sold, you don’t get this time back, it flies by in a whirl of sleepless nights, nappy changes and feeds and before you know it, your teeny, tiny baby has changed and grown so much. To have such an outstanding gallery of images to treasure for a lifetime – well that’s priceless. I know my baby deserved the best for her first set of professional pictures. Does yours?

When we returned to view the finished gallery I didn’t cry. Batman doesn’t cry. He does, apparently, get a lot of things in his eyes though these days, especially when looking at stunning images of his beautiful daughter.

I can’t fault the experience and the images we received. I can, however, categorically say, if you think you know who I am – you’re wrong! It wasn’t me and even if it was I just had something in my eye. Right? “

We love that this Dad was won over by Maddy’s work, even if he wasn’t crying ;). Andrea Bradley of Andrea B Photography from Swansea in Wales agrees that many Dads come through the doors, not knowing what to expect and end up being blown away by her beautiful, individual style and lovely calming studio. And these Dads too, sometimes get ‘something in their eye’ when they see the stunning images she creates of their babies.

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13 responses

  1. As a photographer it melts my heart to see a dad get emotional when seeing his baby’s photos for the first time. A great read x

  2. We are so used to Mum’s crying but when Dad’s show their emotions it is even more special. I really liked this blog, it had a personal touch to it! Incredible photography too x

  3. Oh this is spot on. Dad’s are often overlooked in the whirlwind of emotions when their little one comes into the world. xx

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