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Its that time again! Christmas is coming, so why not save some gift stress and book a lovely Christmas Mini session of your children and get gifts for all the family!
This year we are setting aside several days in October and November, so lots of time to plan. We are also running the over half term so you can bring your school age children too!
The colours for this year are gorgeous Oxford blue and gold! So do try to dress your little ones in something that will compliment these colours, or at the very least, dress them in plain neutral colours, with no writing or pictures on tops. We find they can detract from happy faces.
The very nature of mini session means we have limited time to get lovely images, so it is important your children arrive happy and willing to let me take some photos of them. Please do think about their temperament, and if they’re going to be happy being in the studio. We will do all we can to make it a fun time, and will have treats for everyone, including mince pies for mum and dad!
Due to the studio size we limit these to 3 children at a time. Minimum age is 6 months and baby must be able to sit safely.
We have three packages available to choose from:
Christmas Mini Session Packages
Up to 20 minutes studio time
5 DIGITAL IMAGES: High res with full lifelong printing rights sent via download only
Up to 20 minutes studio time5
DIGITAL IMAGES: High res with full lifelong printing rights sent via download only
EIGHT PRINT GIFT PACK: 3 6×4 and 3 8×6 and 2 12×8 Quality Prints
Up to 20 minutes studio time
5 DIGITAL IMAGES: High res with full lifelong printing rights sent via download only
EIGHT PRINT GIFT PACK: 3 6×4 and 3 8×6 and 2 12×8
Quality PrintsPack of ten image Christmas cards with envelopes
[av_button label=’BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS MINI SESSION’ link=’manually,https://yoursessionwithmaddyrogers.acuityscheduling.com/’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue80f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=”]
2 responses
Hi, I’m looking for a Christmas mini sessions for cousins .
There are 3 children (3yo , 9months and 11months)
Would that be possible with the package nr 3?
How much would it cost
And do you still have availability?
Thank you
Hi Sonia. We do….please use the contact us page and we can get you in. 😀